Google BigQuery and Data Transfer

Friday, September 16, 2011 |

Wouldn't it be great if you could program against your Data Transfer files without ever having to first download them from DoubleClick FTP, then transform them, then load them locally and only then analyze them?  Here's a sneak peek of something we're very excited about:  it's called BigQuery and it aspires all that and more using the cloud and Google's APIs.

Below is a snippet from a recent Google Code API post.  What would it mean for your business if all of your DT data were accessible in this way?


In January of this year we launched BigQuery integration with Google Apps Script. What we didn’t mention was that we were building this on top of our Google APIs Discovery Service. Thanks to the ease and flexibility of writing clients based on this API, today we’re announcing integration with three more APIs, and revamping our BigQuery support.

As of now, we have also integrated the Tasks APIPrediction API, and URL Shortener API in addition to the BigQuery API. You can now include these APIs in your scripts, apps, and sites pages. As with other Apps Script services, we handle all of the server communications as well as authorization, which makes this a great way to build mashups and workflows using our APIs.

To get started, simply enable the APIs you’re interested in from the "Use Google API services" menu in the script editor. [...]

-- Matthew Trojanovich, Data Transfer Team